Frequently asked questions

  • What does Neurofeedback do?

    Neurofeedback is a computer-based program that monitors brain activity and provides instant feedback when certain brain patterns are produced. This feedback helps the brain to reinforce these patterns subconsciously.

    Neurofeedback can enhance brain efficiency, leading to improved attention, emotions, mood, and cognitive processing. Consistent repetition through multiple sessions is essential for lasting change.

  • Which conditions can be treated with Neurofeedback?

    Neurofeedback is commonly used to help any type of brain-specific challenges. These include:

    • ADHD

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • Autism

    • Cognitive and processing issues

    • Sensory integration issues

    • Sleep problems

    It also helps with neurological issues such as the impact of concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI), chronic pain, seizures, and migraines.

  • Are there any age limits?

    Individuals of any age between 3 and 100 can benefit from neurofeedback therapy.

  • Can I use Neurofeedback while on medication?

    When undergoing neurofeedback therapy, it’s important to inform us about any psychiatric or neurological medications you’re taking, including the duration and dosage. Stable medication use should not obscure the benefits of neurofeedback, which can be discerned with professional guidance.

    However, benzodiazepines like Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, and Ativan may slow down the training’s effectiveness due to their impact on learning and memory.

  • Can it help me get off medication?

    A common objective for individuals seeking neurofeedback is to decrease their dependence on medication for symptom management. Neurofeedback training can lead to symptom stabilisation or enhancement, enabling both children and adults to diminish or completely discontinue their medication use, even in cases where prior attempts at reducing dosages were unsuccessful.

  • How quickly can I expect to notice effects?

    Over 70% of our patients experience some form of improvement within the first one to three sessions. For others, the progress may require a bit more time.

    Initially, these improvements may be subtle, manifesting as brief periods of enhanced calmness or alertness, improved sleep quality, increased frequency of dreams, or a reduced response to typical triggers.